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  • Writer's pictureKata Csehek

Magic mushrooms on the way for approval

Depression among women versus men double starting from puberty. It has a vague genetic background, but mainly hormonal. Only when you have family history of depression, you may finger point to the related gene: CREB-1, and even this gene reacts on oestrogen and behaves different in man than in women.

Our, brains develop differently in response to hormonal cocktails received in our mother’s womb already. As a result of this cocktail sense of safety and communication will be much more important for women than for men. Threatening fear or pain generate more activity in the female than in the male brain. This is one of the reasons why tendency for anxiety among women is 4 fold higher than among man. (1)

In the UK alone 7 million people are using antidepressant today. There is a sharp and ongoing increase worldwide. The global antidepressant market is predicted to be worth $15.9bn by 2023. (2.) For decades the market leader pharmaceuticals have managed to monopolise it, but now, that no new drugs have come out in the past 30 years, a gap is opening up. Today, there are dozens of studies taking place to evaluate the medical safety and efficacy of psychedelics, such as magic mushroom, shrooms, and their active ingredient, psilocybin. The potential benefits of psychedelics as a treatment for cluster headache, anxiety, addiction to alcohol and other drugs, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, as well as neuroimaging experiments furthering the understanding of their effects on the brain. (3)

Voters in Denver, Colorado approved a ballot measure last month making their city the first in the nation to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms. Earlier this week, the Oakland, California City Council unanimously passed a resolution decriminalizing not only shrooms but also ayahuasca, mescaline and ibogaine. (4.)

Those who suffer from long term insomnia, may not be able to take a good use of psylicobyn yet. Natural sleep is essential to slow down aging because during sleep our growth hormone (HGH) actively cleans up the damage we created during the day. Your circadian rhythm regulates fifteen percent of your gens, so your sleep-wake cycle is essential to your health. Sleeping disorder, especially insomnia is more common again among women, especially with the premenopausal onset. During the working hours woman with this problem then often try pretending that everything is all right. We don’t have to, really.

I can be sure that I slept enough when I can maintain wakefulness during the day. So simple is that. For me personally it’s about 7.5hrs. For some it may be 7, others may need 8,8.5 hrs, it varies person to person. One thing is sure, when you have sleep deprivation you can experience short and if it lasts for long, long term side effects. Check them out here with 7 tips to improve your sleep.


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